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We at Rebel Anthologies believe that you should be a partner in the process and offer THREE FREE WORKSHOPS


The Language of Contracts

Judges Examining Document

If you are selected to be part of the Anthology experience this will be the first workshop you will be required to take. This step is crucial to advancing your career as a professional writer and we're got you covered.

This workshop is designed to navigate your way through our contract. We will unravel the legalize and map out a long term vision for your work to create a legacy you can be proud of.

Too often writers are so excited to be working with a publisher that they fail to read the contract. A contract protects you, your agent and publisher! They take it seriously so should you.  It's your responsibility to take charge of your financial future. . We will examine our contract with you line by line and answer any questions that you may have.

If you decide to sign with us we will invite you for an interview. 



Prepare for Interviews and Live Readings

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A Rebel Anthology poet at a book launch at Logos Book store on the Upper East Side in New York City

Your image matters. We will help you stage your live readings and interact with the   public. We at Rebels Anthologies believe that YOU sell books. Your personality is key. Fans buy books.


We've got you covered. Each writer will be assigned an Author Manager who will tailor a hip public persona designed specifically to boost your confidence.


We will prep you for a 10 minute interview which will be broadcast on our YouTube channel AND The Susan Brender Show and Podcast.


Our personal connections with local bookstores mean we can secure a book launch and live reading in New York City.




Promotions with Purpose

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Rebel Anthology writers at book lauch in Logos Bookstore Upper East Side Manhattan

Relying on Social Media to generate book sales is a dead end end that drains energy from writers who should be writing.  We have developed new ways for you to increase your readership.

Merchandising anyone? Rebel Anthologies will create an original design to put on your very own mug!

Rebel Anthologies will get you published in Medium Magazine and reviewed by literary critic Karina Holosko on Amazon and Reedsy Discovery!


Oh, and did we mention a book launch and live reading at a Bookstore in Manhattan!

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